Ch. 10
I woke up because nick was shaking my shoulder.
Nick: good morning beautiful.
Skylar: What?! Im sleepingg...
Nick: Well you need to be singing.
Skylar. What. Are you talking about?
Nick: You said you would sing me your song. You never did. So lets here it.
Oh crap the song. I had totally forgotten. I had kinda hoped he did too.
Skylar: um okay...go wait downstairs..i gotta..practice.
Nick: sure babe. He kisses her forehead.
Nick: im gonna wake up joe and kev so they can hear it too.
Skylar: Sure.
Nick gets off the bed and goes to his dresser, grabs some clothes and goes out the door.
Once the door closes Skylar jumped up and grabbed her bag.
Skylar: song song song...dang it where are you!? AH HAH!
Skylar: Gotcha sucker...okay now to find that tape recorder...there it is...okay...
Skylar listens to the tape recorded...her eyes widen as she listens.
He voice..the words... the couldn't be her singing...
She didn't need to play it again. She already knew it by heart.
Every word. Every note. It all came rushing back to her at the first word she heard.
Suddenly she was excited to sing the song.
She knew nick would love it.
She rushed to get dressed. Rose had packed a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and some converse.
Simple. That was good.
She ran downstairs. And all three boys were sitting on a couch waiting.
Skylar: Okay you ready to hear it!?!
Nick: Some one's excited to sing!
Joe: i'll say.
Kevin: YEAH!
Skylar: Okay. She sits on the couch across from the boys.
Skylar: Can i borrow somebody's guitar?
Im sure that if I can remember the words immediately when i hear them, i bet i'll remember how to play too.
Joe: Acoustic or electric?
Skylar: Acoustic electric.
Joe grabs a guitar off the wall.
Joe: This one okay?
Skylar: it's perfect.
Skylar strums the guitar once. And it all comes rushing back to her. Just like she planned.
She starts to sing.
" Walking along beneath the lights of that miracle mile. Me and my baby makin our way into the night."
"You can hear the crys from the carnival rides the pin-ball bells and the ski-ball slides watching the summer sun fall out of sight, there's a warm wind commin in from off of the ocean making its way past the hotel walls to fill the street. And im holdin both of my shoes in my hands, say i like to feel the sand beneath my feet. And in the Mornin I'm leaving makin' my way back to cleveland so tonight i hoped that i would do just fine"
She then looked back up at Nick.
" And baby i don't see how you could ever be Anything But Mine"
She sang the rest of her song.
(if you wanna hear it type in anything but mine AFTER you read the rest of the chapter :D)
Skylar strummed the last cord.
And looked up and all three of them had looks of amazement on their faces.
Skylar: So what did ya think?
Joe: Wow.
Kevin: Did you write that? Skylar: Yeah i did.
Nick: That was....the most beautiful, amazing song...i've ever heard.
Skylar: Come on. It wasn't that good.
Joe: Skylar....i can't even make a was so...beautiful...and your voice...
Kevin: Your voice made it seem really really had a summer fling...that you loved.
Nick: Im gonna make you randomly sing that song for me, every day.
Skylar: Right...
Skylar: well we gotta get ready nick. Horses remember?
Nick shakes his head to clear it a little.
Nick: um yeah. I sure you don't wanna play one more song.
Skylar: later. I promise.
Kevin: I'm holding you to that.
Skylar gives the guitar back to joe.
Joe: Okay i guess we'll see you guys later.
Kevin: you'll see me later too. I'm goin to the mall.
Joe: I'm going too then. I don't have anything better to do.
Nick: Okay lets go skylar.
Skylar: Okay. Lets go.
Nick and Skylar walk outside to the car.
And nick opens the door to her.
Author: NickxJxchick Keywords: jonas nickxjxchick OneTrueMedia outside stories the Added: September 8, 2008