I made a list of 100 things that I wanted to do. Unfortunately, I am way to much of a coward to set some sort of deadline. anyway, I know that the quality is not that great...so... oh, and sorry about any typos/wrong facts. Getting stuff like that right is sort of the point of this whole thing though. 1. Tell a person that is not in my family I love them and mean it without hesitation.
2. Watch Casablanca
3. Learn to Tie a Tie
4. Tell my family I love them.
5. Watch a stand-up comedian.
6. Try the Stand-up Comedian thing.
7. Go Skydiving.
8. Go Into Space.
9. Write a Song
10. Write something that is more than ten pages long. Show it to someone
11. Get in Shape
12. Give Blood
13. Give a random person that I don't know $20, no questions asked, no strings attached.
14. Bet $100 on Black
15. Perform an EPIC act of kindness
16. Help build a house for charity
17. Go Bungee Jumping
18. Talk to a Muslim about being Muslim
19. Talk to a Jewish person about Judaism
20. Talk to a Buddhist about Buddhism 21. Write a comic
22. Submit a Youtube Video.
23. Watch the Sunrise
24. Go to the Grand Canyon
25. Get a Black belt
26. Memorize a poem.
27. Fast for 3 Days
28. Play Rugby
29. Cook a meal for 4 people who are not related to me.
30. Drive to Canada
31. Ski
32. Make up a "sport"
33. Scuba Dive
34. Learn to play a song on the guitar
35. Milk a Cow
36. Pet a tiger
37. Ride an elephant
38. Go a week without talking
39. Go a week without the internet
40. Go a week without television
41. Finish learning French
42. Have an entire conversation in French
43. Find out if it is really called "La Royale with Cheese" in Europe.
44. Go to Europe
45. Go to a comic book convention in costume
46. Sing in public
47. Be in a movie
48. Donate an organ
49. Give Blood
50. Walk from Lake Arthur to Jennings.
51. Swim across The Lake. No life jacket 52. Walk away from something I really want.
53. Climb something that is over 100 feet tall
54. Hold a spider
55. Buy stock. Keep it for a year, no matter what.
56. Grow a mustache. Keep it for a week.
57. Grow an epic Beard
58. Read Moby Dick
59. Finish the Count of Monte Cristo
60. Learn to Mix a Drink
61. Serve said mixed drink to someone.
62. Put my name on an internet dating site. Respond at least twice.
63. Surf
64. See a Bald Eagle in the Wild
65. Get some girl's number. Never call her.
66. See a Bear in the wild.
67. Watch "Patton"
68. Watch "Sound of Music"
69. Watch "High School Musical"
70. Watch "Dr. Strangelove"
71. Make a second list of 100 things to do.
72. Swim with a dolphin.
73. See the Eiffel Tower in person.
74. Spend a week alone in the woods, keeping a journal that week.
75. Go to a Haunted House and spend the night.
76. See the Statue of Liberty
77. See the Declaration of Independence.
78. Learn to juggle.
79. Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans
80. Convince someone to celebrate Mardi Gras outside of Louisiana.
81. White Water Rafting
82. Grow a garden with enough food for a meal.
83. Make a Badass Inspirational Speech.
84. Visit the Vatican
85. Run a Marathon
86. Be on national television/radio. Must see/hear my name.
87. See the beginnings of the Mississippi River.
88. Learn to cook Gumbo. Make Gumbo for a group.
89. Go Green.
90. Convince someone to do something they are afraid to do.
91. Go to The D-day Beach at Normandy.
92. Go to Antarctica
93. Go to Auschwitz.
94. Go to Thermopylae
95. Do something that makes people laugh at me, not with me.
96. Watch "The Notebook"
97. Do a flip, cartwheel, and handstand.
98. Watch a Bollywood movie.
99. Watch "Amelie"
100. Write a Script. Get people to perform
Author: r3534 Keywords: Bucket List 100 things Added: August 23, 2008