I have heard and subsequently googled the cloud seeding theory many call maybe rightly so "chemtrails" Since reading in the 90's of aluminum oxides and similar substances can collect water vapour creating rain laiden clouds I ofeten wondered why a "crop" aid like this would be used over cities.
I can only assume via observation of todays clear to heavy clouded day coincided with a group of high altitude jet passes running south to north progressing west to east was in fact this program or similar. The clouds formed gradually from each contrail strip over the day and by 5pm when I shot this vid only 2 remained "lines" in the sky the others having become dispersed into larger sky cover. I bet it rains Tues. unfortunate if you ride a bike but necessary for ski industry snow and water supply of city I guess. No public input it is just more polution, these flights were 3 times as high as jets approaching or leaving YVR airport.

Author: DIGIBOYTV Keywords: cloudseeding ruining great sunny day modifiction patterns contrails chemtrails aluminum particulate matter resperatoty Added: October 27, 2008